You can use one of the following methods:
1. Embed in a page
To embed the Workstars TV in a web page, use an <iframe> that contains a Workstars TV URL.
For example:
<iframe src="" width="600" height="400" style="border:none;"></iframe>
2. JSON Data
If you want to build a custom integration with your own system, you can get a developer to write some code (client side e.g. Javascript or server side e.g. .NET, PHP, etc.) to download the JSON file and display the data as required.
The data is available in a file called "default.json". To retrieve it, you simply add the filename on the end of your Workstars TV URL. For example:
If you are running an international program and you have setup URL's for different countries, these are available as separate files (along with the default.json file, which shows all countries). The country specific files are named using the countries Alpha-2 ISO 3166 code e.g. for the UK its "GB.json" and for the US its "US.json".
Below is an example JSON file:
"wall": [
"type": "adhoc_award",
"initiator": {
"first_name": "Anne",
"last_name": "Lewis",
"image": ""
"recipients": [
"first_name": "Richard",
"last_name": "Jones",
"image": ""
"title": "Sales Person of the Month",
"reason": "Well done on your sales figures last week, it made all the difference to the company!",
"created_at": "2024-10-03T15:08:19Z"
"type": "birthday",
"initiator": {
"first_name": "Anne",
"last_name": "Lewis",
"image": ""
"recipients": [
"first_name": "Alex",
"last_name": "Murphy",
"image": ""
"first_name": "Richard",
"last_name": "Jones",
"image": ""
"first_name": "Clarence",
"last_name": "Boddicker",
"image": ""
"title": "<strong>Alex (+2)</strong> are celebrating their birthday!",
"reason": "Happy birthday from Workstars Demo! It's the start of a new year for you - celebrate your special day and all the amazing things you've achieved!",
"created_at": "2024-10-02T11:00:00Z",
"image_url": ""
"type": "company_award_nomination",
"initiator": {
"first_name": "Anne",
"last_name": "Lewis",
"image": ""
"recipients": [
"first_name": "Clarence",
"last_name": "Boddicker",
"image": ""
"title": "Employee of the Year",
"reason": "Bert's customer service ratings have been outstanding, 5/5 stars on every ticket he's completed",
"created_at": "2024-09-30T15:25:22Z"
"type": "company_award_vote",
"initiator": {
"first_name": "Clarence",
"last_name": "Boddicker",
"image": ""
"title": "Employee of the Year",
"created_at": "2024-09-30T15:25:22Z"
"type": "company_award_winners",
"initiator": {
"first_name": "Anne",
"last_name": "Lewis",
"image": ""
"recipients": [
"first_name": "Clarence",
"last_name": "Boddicker",
"image": ""
"first_name": "Richard",
"last_name": "Jones",
"image": ""
"first_name": "Alex",
"last_name": "Murphy",
"image": ""
"title": "Employee of the Year",
"reason": "Well done everyone on their performance this year, it has been exceptional!",
"created_at": "2024-10-11T15:25:22Z"
"type": "recognition",
"initiator": {
"first_name": "Anne",
"last_name": "Lewis",
"image": ""
"recipients": [
"first_name": "Alex",
"last_name": "Murphy",
"image": ""
"first_name": "Richard",
"last_name": "Jones",
"image": ""
"title": "We Play to Win",
"reason": "Well done everyone for managing the network last night",
"created_at": "2024-09-30T15:25:22Z",
"image_url": ""
"type": "service_award_onboarding",
"initiator": {
"first_name": "Anne",
"last_name": "Lewis",
"image": ""
"recipients": [
"first_name": "Clarence",
"last_name": "Boddicker",
"image": ""
"title": "1 Week",
"reason": "Can you believe it has been 1 weeks since you started?",
"created_at": "2024-09-30T15:25:22Z",
"badge_background_image_url": "",
"badge_title_image_url": ""
"type": "service_award_long",
"initiator": {
"first_name": "Anne",
"last_name": "Lewis",
"image": ""
"recipients": [
"first_name": "Clarence",
"last_name": "Boddicker",
"image": ""
"title": "2 Years",
"reason": "Congratulations it was 2 years ago today that you joined Workstars",
"created_at": "2024-09-30T15:25:22Z",
"badge_background_image_url": "",
"badge_title_image_url": ""
Below are notes about each entry type:
- This is when an adhoc award (from an administrator) has been posted to the wall.
- The "recipients" array always returns a single recipient.
- There are no additional assets available.
- This is when a birthday is posted to the wall.
- The "recipients" array can return 1 or more employees (grouped by the same birthday).
- The "image_url" value, contains the birthday animation from the wall.
- This is when a company award nomination is posted to the wall.
- The "recipients" array always returns a single recipient.
- There are no additional assets available.
- This is when a company award vote is posted to the wall.
- The "recipients" array is not present as votes are not public.
- The "reason" value is not present.
- There are no additional assets available.
- This is when the company award winners have been posted to the wall.
- The "recipients" array can return 1 or more employees (winners are grouped).
- There are no additional assets available.
- This is when the company award winners have been posted to the wall.
- The "recipients" array can return 1 employee (for individual recognitions) or multiple employees (for team recognitions).
- The "image_url" value, contains any image the person uploaded (e.g. PNG or a Giphy gif).
- This is when an onboarding service award is posted to the wall.
- The "recipients" array can return 1 or more employees (grouped by the same time period).
- The "badge_background_image_url" value, contains the badge background image.
- The "badge_title_image_url" value, contains the badge title image.
PLEASE NOTE - to reproduce the badge from the wall, you must overlay the title image on to the background image.
- This is when a long service award is posted to the wall.
- The "recipients" array can return 1 or more employees (grouped by the same time period).
- The "badge_background_image_url" value, contains the badge background image.
- The "badge_title_image_url" value, contains the badge title image.
PLEASE NOTE - to reproduce the badge from the wall, you must overlay the title image on to the background image.
Why cant I see new posts immediately?
This is because the content is refreshed every 15 minutes to help with performance.