How to view or cancel birthdays

If the Birthdays feature is enabled for your recognition program, employees can optionally provide their birth day and month (not age or year) when they register their account, or they can add it to their profile at any time.

Good to know

  • Once set by the employee, the birthday date can only be changed by an administrator
  • If an employee later decides to opt out of Birthdays, contact your account manager to remove the date from their profile


How to view birthday recognition wall post history

  1. Login to your Administrator account
  2. Click the Add-ons tab, select Birthdays
  3. Click View on any row to view additional details


How to cancel a birthday recognition

  1. Login to your Administrator account
  2. Click the Add-ons tab, select Birthdays
  3. Click View on the birthday you want to cancel
  4. Click the 3-dot ellipse in top right corner and select Cancel Birthday


This will remove the birthday wall entry, as well as any attached financial reward or perk that hasn't been redeemed


How to remove a birthday recognition from the wall

  1. Login to your Administrator account
  2. Click the Wall tab
  3. Locate the Birthday you want to remove
  4. Click the 3-dot ellipse to the right and select Remove


This will remove the birthday wall entry, but will not remove any other data related to this birthday, including financial reward or perk


How to view all upcoming birthdays

  1. Login to your Administrator account
  2. Click the Employees tab, select Employees
  3. Click the green download cloud icon in top left area of page
  4. Open the downloaded CSV
  5. The Birthday column lists all employee's next birthdays


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