How to deal with employees that are flagged as having an incorrect email address

To ensure our emails are not flagged as spam, we track any errors while attempting delivery. There are 2 types of delivery errors:

  • Soft bounce - a temporary email error, for example, the mailbox is full
  • Hard bounce - a permanent email error, for example, the mailbox doesn't exist

We ignore soft bounces as they will be resolved at some point, but if we receive a hard bounce we block the employee account from receiving any further emails.


How to check for hard bounce email addresses

  1. Login to your Administrator account
  2. Click on the Employees tab pull-down and select Employees 
  3. If there are employees with incorrect email addresses, there will be a message similar to this:



What to do with hard bounce email addresses?

You need to update the incorrect email addresses to re-enable email sending to the employee(s):

  1. Login to your Administrator account
  2. Click the Employees tab pull-down and select Employees 
  3. Click the link in the warning where it says X employee(s) to list all affected employees
  4. Click the Manage button for the employee
  5. Check the email address has been entered correctly
  6. Follow one of the steps below to update it
    • If you are manually managing your employees
          1. Update the Email field
          2. Click Update to save
    • If you are using our automated HR data sync add-on
        1. Update the employee's email in your Human Resources Information System (HRIS)
        2. Run a sync manually (ask your IT department) or wait for the next scheduled automated sync


If the email address is already correct, contact your account manager to have it manually re-enabled


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