Company report

The Company Report is a quarterly summary of recognition activity for the entire company.

Many charts within the report provide a comparison of what activity the individual reporting groups have been involved in versus the company as a whole.

Good to know

  • Any full user admin or analysis user admin can access these reports
  • Any employee assigned to the Senior Management Team reporting group can access these reports
  • You can give an individual employee who is not a member of the Senior Management Team access to the company report


How to generate and print the company report

  1. Login to your Administrator account
  2. Click the Analysis tab, select Company Report
  3. Select an available year and quarter by clicking it's Generate button
  4. A report will be generated within minutes and a Print button will be displayed


How to give an employee access to the company report

  1. Login to your Administrator account
  2. Click the Employees tab, select Employees
  3. Locate the employee you want to authorize
  4. Click Manage
  5. Click inside the Reporting Access box and select Senior Management Team from the list
  6. Click Update


How an authorized employee can generate and print a company report

  1. Login to your Employee recognition account
  2. Click My Data
  3. Click Company Report
  4. Select an available year and quarter by clicking it's Generate button
  5. A report will be generated within minutes and a Print button will be displayed

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