How to create and run a Company Award

If you have the Company Award feature enabled, you can run contests like Employee of the Month, Quarter, or Year, Best Demonstration of Company Value awards, or other top performer initiatives.

There are 3 main steps to running Company Awards:

  1. First, you'll Create the Company Award, selecting eligibility and nomination periods, nominee(s) and reward details (if any)
  2. Second, employees will Nominate or Vote for the winner(s)
  3. Third, you'll select Winners and pay out Prizes (if any)


Good to know

  • To be eligible for nomination, the colleague must have been Recognized within the eligibility period
  • Every nomination is shared on the Wall, with communications to nominees at every step
  • You can run multiple Awards at the same time
  • Awards can be run company-wide or be restricted to specific departments
  • When a Company Award is created, all eligible employees are notified and reminded multiple times during the nomination period
  • You can define an unlimited number of winners
  • You can reward with your own prizes or choose financial rewards to pay directly into their account
  • if you don't want any prizes or rewards, select the option to give your own prizes and simply don't give them anything
  • If you want to give employees more detailed information on the Award, create Company documents to add further information
  • Winners are posted on the Wall
  • Winners and everyone else involved in the award are notified via email
  • You will need to Enable Company Awards before you can create any


Step 1: Create the Company Award

How to Create a Company Award

  1. Login to your Administrator account
  2. Click the Add-ons tab, select Company Awards
  3. Click Add Company Award
  4. Click Start
  5. Select the type of Company Award you want to run: Employees nominate and you decide the winners OR You pick the nominees and the employees vote on the winners
  6. Fill in the Details, click Continue
  7. Add one or more prizes (if any, ex 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place), click Continue
  8. Add nominees (if applicable), click Continue
  9. Review the Award details, click Add Company Award
  10. After the Nomination or Voting Period ends, proceed to Select Winners (below)

Good to know

  • Once the Nomination or Voting Period begins you cannot make any changes
  • If you need to make changes after the Nomination or Voting Period begins, Cancel and start over
  • On the date the Nomination or Voting Period begins, emails are automatically sent out to all employees (or selected Departments) with a link to Nominate or Vote


Step 2: Employees Nominate or Vote for the winner(s)

If you are running an Award where Employees nominate each other and you decide on the winners, employees can Nominate a colleague.

How employees Nominate a colleague for an employee-nominated Company Award

  1. While the Award Nomination Period is active, employees can click the Nominate Award tab at the top of the Wall and select an Award to nominate against
  2. They can search for a colleague, free type nomination reason and tag other colleagues for their support, then click Nominate
    Note: Tagging colleagues for support will generate an email about the nomination and asks them if they want to lend their support

Good to know

  • The nominee receives communication informing them they’ve been nominated and why
  • The nomination is also posted on the Wall for everyone to see and comment on
  • While Status = Nominating, on the Company Awards page:
    1. Click the 3 dots to the right of the Award
    2. Click View Nominations
    3. For each Nomination, click the 3 dots to the right and select View to view the Nomination Reason and Support Comments


If you are running an Award where You pick the nominees and the employees vote on the winners, employees can Vote for a colleague.

How employees Vote for a colleague in a vote-based Company Award

  1. While the Voting Period is active, employees can click the Vote box located on the left side of the site
  2. Click the pull-down list to select an active Award to vote on 
  3. Click the Vote button below your candidate's avatar, then click Confirm
    Note:  There is no un-do button; your Vote is final

Good to know

  • The nominee receive communication informing them they’ve been voted
  • The nomination is also posted on the Wall for everyone to see and comment on
  • While Status = Voting, on the Company Awards page, click the 3 dots to the right of the Award, then click View Nominations to see Vote counts


Step 3: Select Winner(s) and pay out Prizes (if any)


If you are running an Award where Employees nominate each other and you decide on the winners, you must Select and Confirm the winner(s) and pay out Prizes (if Applicable).

How to select Winner(s) for an employee-nominated Company Award

  1. Login to your Administrator account
  2. Click the Add-ons tab, select Company Awards
  3. Locate the correct Award with Status = Select Winners
  4. Click the 3 dots to the right of the Award, then click Select Winners
  5. Identify who you want to be each Winner, click the 3 dots to the right and select Make Winner
    Note: For each Nomination, click the 3 dots to the right and select View to view the Nomination Reason and Support Comments
  6. Choose position (ex 1st, 2nd, or 3rd), click Confirm
  7. Click Confirm Winners
    Note: You must select all winners before this button will appear
  8. Enter a congratulatory message to be displayed on the Wall (this will show as coming from your CEO/MD), click Confirm
  9. Communications are automatically sent out to the Winner(s) and post(s) are created on the Wall
  10. If the award prizes are Financial Rewards through the system, Winners’ accounts will automatically be credited
  11. If the award prizes are being given outside of the recognition program, you must fulfill them manually

Good to know

  • After the Nomination Period ends, you can download a report of Nominations for reviewing offline or sharing with a voting panel by clicking the 3 dots to the right of the Award, then click Select Winners, the click the inline print the nominations link


If you are running an Award where You pick the nominees and the employees vote on the winners, you must Confirm the winner(s) and pay out Prizes (if Applicable).

How to select Winner(s) in a vote-based Company Award

  1. Login to your Administrator account
  2. Click the Add-ons tab, select Company Awards
  3. Locate the correct Award with Status = Confirm Results
  4. Click the 3 dots to the right of the Award, then click Confirm Results
  5. Confirm that automatic winner selection(s) look correct, or make adjustments
  6. Click Confirm Winners
  7. Enter a congratulatory message to be displayed on the Wall (this will show as coming from your CEO/MD), click Confirm
  8. Communications are automatically sent out to the Winner(s) and post(s) are created on the Wall
  9. If the award prizes are Financial Rewards through the system, Winners’ accounts will automatically be credited
  10. If the award prizes are being given outside of the recognition program, you must fulfill them manually

Good to know

  • After the Award process completes, you can download a report of a Completed Company Award by clicking the 3 dots to the right of the Award, then click View Nominations, the click the green cloud download button




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