Employees - error file messages

Below are the error messages and what they mean:

Element 'employee': Missing child element(s). Expected is ( department ).

This is telling you that one of the ‘employee’ sections (e.g between <employee> and </employee>) is missing a child element (or sub section), in this example its missing ‘depertment’ (e.g the employee’s department between <department> and </department>).

Element 'employee': Duplicate key-sequence [''] in unique identity-constraint 'email_unique'.

This is telling you that there is a duplicate blank ‘email’ in your file. If your program is setup to support employees without an email, the <email></email> elements must not be present for those employees.

Element 'email': [facet 'pattern'] The value 'John.Smith@workstars.com' is not accepted by the pattern '[a-z0-9_\+\-\.]*@[a-z0-9\-\.]*'

This is telling you that the ‘email’ element doesn’t fit the pattern defined in the schema. In this case it's because it contains upper case characters.

Element 'email': [facet 'pattern'] The value 'bob!jones@workstars.com' is not accepted by the pattern '[a-z0-9_\+\-\.]*@[a-z0-9\-\.]*'

This is telling you that the ‘email’ element doesn’t fit the pattern defined in the schema. In this case its because the “!” character is not permitted in an email address.

Element 'employee_id': Duplicate key-sequence ['12345'] in unique identity-constraint 'employee_id_unique'

This is telling you that there is a duplicate ‘employee_id’ of ‘12345’ in the file. Each employee must have a unique employee ID.

Element 'employee_id': [facet 'pattern'] The value 'CWED1234' is not accepted by the pattern '[a-z0-9]*'**

This is telling you that the ‘employee_id’ element doesn’t fit the pattern defined in the schema. In this case the pattern only allows lowercase a to z and 0 to 9. The value in this example contains capital letters which are not permitted, please ensure ‘employee_id’ elements are in lowercase.

Element 'country': [facet 'enumeration'] The value 'DE' is not an element of the set {'GB','FR'}

This is telling you that the element ‘country’ either contains an invalid country code or it is for a country not setup in your program. It shows the supported values at the end (e.g. GB, FR).

Element 'start_date': '2007-26-10' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:date'

This is telling you that the element ‘start_date’ contains an invalid date. The date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD and must be valid.

xmlParseEntityRef: no name

This is because the value contains a ‘&’ character. For example, if you have a job title of “Head of Sales & Marketing” then you must replace the ‘&’ with ‘&amp;’ (e.g. “Head of Sales &amp; Marketing”). Alternatively, you can just replace it with the text equivalent (e.g. “Head of Sales and Marketing”)

The 'department' has not been mapped to a Reporting Group. Please login to the admin portal and map this department to one of your Reporting Groups.

This is because the “department” in your file has not been mapped to a reporting group. Login to the admin portal and goto “Employees > Reporting Groups > Department Mappings”, click “Add Mapping” then enter your “Department” and select a reporting group.

The 'start_date' is different to what was provided when this employee was added. Please login to the admin portal and edit the start date manually.

This is because the “start_date” in your file is different than the one you provided when the employee was added. Login to the admin portal and goto “Employees”, search for the employee and update their Start Date manually.

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