Workplace setup guide

With this social network integration you can automatically post your wall entries into a Workplace group. Example of what a post looks like in Workplace for an individual recognition:


Step 1 - Create a custom integration in Workplace

  1. Login to your Workplace account as an administrator
  2. Click the Admin Panel button (if you cannot see this button then you are not an administrator)
  3. In the left-nav menu, select Integrations
  4. Click the Create Custom Integration button
  5. Enter a name (e.g. Workstars or your program name) and a description
  6. Click the Create button
  7. In the Integration Details section, click Update Logo
  8. Select an appropriate icon (click here to download the Workstars icon)
  9. Adjust the scroller until the icon fits in the box
  10. Click the Crop and Save button
  11. Under Access Token, click the Create Access Token button
  12. Copy the access token and save it somewhere for later as it will only be shown once
  13. Tick the I Understand box and click the Done button
  14. In the Integration Permissions section, tick the box next to Manage group content
  15. Scroll down to the bottom and click the Save button
  16. Go back to the home page (you can click Home in the top bar)
  17. In the left-nav menu, select Groups
  18. Click the name of the group you want to post the entries into
  19. In your browser’s URL bar, you should see something like:
  20. Copy Group ID (the large number at the end e.g. 810568262612623) and save it somewhere for later

Step 2 - Configure and enable the integration

  1. Login to your Workstars administrator account (must be the primary account or technical user)
  2. Click on System Settings in the top margin
  3. Click Integrations in the left-nav menu
  4. Click Workplace
  5. In the Group ID box, enter the value you saved from Step 1
  6. In the Access Token box, enter the value you saved from Step 1
  7. If you are running in a country with multiple languages, select the language you would like to post in


    • This only applies to the general content (e.g. “has been recognised by”), as the person making the recognition can enter the reason in any language
    • If in doubt set it to English
  8. Click the Enable button and we will post a test message to the channel you chose during authorisation
  9. Login to Workplace and view the channel, there should be a post that says “This message was sent to test the connection”
    • If you cannot see the message, click No and contact support
    • If the message looks OK, click Yes to enable the integration

The integration is now setup and any new wall posts should also be posted into Workplace. You can view what is happening by viewing the Integration Log.


How do I disable the integration?

In the Workstars administration portal, go to System Settings then Integrations and select the integration. Click the Disconnect button and confirm.

How do I change the settings (e.g. the account its connected to, channel it posts to, etc.)?

To ensure the setup works correctly it is not possible to change settings, please disable the integration and start again (see Step 1).

Good to know

  • Wall posts feed one-way from the recognition wall to the integrated social network
  • Comments or likes posted on the wall do not feed to the integrated social network
  • Comments or likes posted in the integrated social network do not feed back to the recognition wall

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