Trend Reports

Trend Reports, located under the Analysis tab in the Admin system, are downloadable charts that show statistical trends over the past 12 months.

  • Employees - Logged in, Registered, Balances
  • Service Awards
  • Wall - Entries, Likes
  • Recognition - By Company Value, By Employee, Engagement, Frequency, Cross Functional, Financial, Perks


Good to know

  • Reports can show entire company or be filtered by Reporting Group
  • Only the features currently enabled will have a Trend report
  • Click the download cloud icon to download the chart in .png format
  • Mouse over each month's data point to view it's value


How to view Trend Reports

  1. Login to your Administrator account
  2. Click the Analysis tab, select Trends
  3. Select a report from the left-nav menu
  4. If a green Regenerate button appears, click it to refresh the data
  5. Optional: Click the download cloud icon to download the graph as an image in .png format


Trend Reports explained


  • Licenses
    • Tracks total employees who had an account in the month
    • Should match monthly invoice
  • Logged In
    • Shows % of employees who are registered that logged into the system each month
    • Target - 50% for online, 30% for offline employees (do not have a company email address)
  • Registered
    • % of employees who are registered
    • Target 95% for online and 80% for offline
  • Balances
    • Total value of balances (reward that can be redeemed) in employees accounts
    • This will steadily rise until peak period at year-end holidays

Service Awards

  • Given Per Award Type
    • Breakdown of % of award given by week or year of service
  • Perks
    • If giving Perks in Service Awards, will detail how many each month


  • Number of Entries
    • Count of any post on the Wall, whether Recognition, Service Award, Birthday, etc.
    • Looking for a consistent level of activity each month, ideally with a ratio of 0.5 to 1 post per employee each month, e.g. if you have 100 employees, there should be between 50 and 100 posts per month
  • Number of Employee Likes
    • Count of reactions and comments on the Wall
    • Simply looking for lots of activity on here
  • Number of Director Likes -
    • Your Directors/Leaders must be already flagged for this report to work
    • We want leaders to be active and visible, as this positively impacts the rest of the business and recognition activity
    • Aim for at least 3 interactions per leader per month


By Company Value

  • By Company Value
    • Breakdown of values used alongside recognition
    • Do you have any specific targets to drive certain values?
  • Financial By Company Value
    • Which company values are being rewarded the most?

    • Ensure there’s not a specific value that’s being rewarded more than others

By Employee

    • Are recognitions being given by managers or employees?

    • Initially you want most being given by managers - they should be the most active at the start

    • Over time, you want more peer-to-peer recognition from employees, but managers set the scene


    • % of employees giving and receiving recognition

    • Always more receiving than giving, due to team awards

    • Target is 20%+ giving for online, 12.5%+ giving for offline

    • Target is 40%+ receiving for online, 25%+ for offline


  • Average Frequency
    • Number of hours for a recognition to occur
    • This varies depending on company size, the lower the better
    • This can be a good stat to communicate to the business, especially if the driver for recognition was low scores on employee surveys around recognition
  • Total Per User
    • On average, how many recognitions are received by an employee each month

    • Anything over 1 is great, minimum is 0.5

Cross Functional

    • % of recognition that was generated from a different department, versus within a department

    • What’s good depends on what you want to drive - If you are looking for recognition to break down internal barriers, the more cross functional the better


    • How many recognitions received financial rewards, versus just recognition

    • What's good very much depends on budgets and who can give out reward

    • If all employees have budgets, this tends to lean to 70/80% of recognitions getting rewarded

    • You still want to see non-financial recognitions given as it demonstrates employees aren’t limiting their recognition activity to their budget

    • If budgets are with leaders/managers, this stat goes down to 10-20%

    • Ultimately, the more important thing is to ensure recognition activity is high - If it isn’t, reward is used to push activity

  • Perks

    • How many Perks are issued each month

    • Want consistent use of Perks

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