Trend Reports, located under the Analysis tab in the Admin system, are downloadable charts that show statistical trends over the past 12 months.
- Employees - Logged in, Registered, Balances
- Service Awards
- Wall - Entries, Likes
- Recognition - By Company Value, By Employee, Engagement, Frequency, Cross Functional, Financial, Perks
Good to know
- Reports can show entire company or be filtered by Reporting Group
- Only the features currently enabled will have a Trend report
- Click the download cloud icon to download the chart in .png format
- Mouse over each month's data point to view it's value
How to view Trend Reports
- Login to your Administrator account
- Click the Analysis tab, select Trends
- Select a report from the left-nav menu
- If a green Regenerate button appears, click it to refresh the data
- Optional: Click the download cloud icon to download the graph as an image in .png format
Trend Reports explained
- Tracks total employees who had an account in the month
- Should match monthly invoice
Logged In
- Shows % of employees who are registered that logged into the system each month
- Target - 50% for online, 30% for offline employees (do not have a company email address)
- % of employees who are registered
- Target 95% for online and 80% for offline
- Total value of balances (reward that can be redeemed) in employees accounts
- This will steadily rise until peak period at year-end holidays
Service Awards
Given Per Award Type
- Breakdown of % of award given by week or year of service
- If giving Perks in Service Awards, will detail how many each month
Number of Entries
- Count of any post on the Wall, whether Recognition, Service Award, Birthday, etc.
- Looking for a consistent level of activity each month, ideally with a ratio of 0.5 to 1 post per employee each month, e.g. if you have 100 employees, there should be between 50 and 100 posts per month
Number of Employee Likes
- Count of reactions and comments on the Wall
- Simply looking for lots of activity on here
Number of Director Likes -
- Your Directors/Leaders must be already flagged for this report to work
- We want leaders to be active and visible, as this positively impacts the rest of the business and recognition activity
- Aim for at least 3 interactions per leader per month
By Company Value
By Company Value
- Breakdown of values used alongside recognition
- Do you have any specific targets to drive certain values?
Financial By Company Value
Which company values are being rewarded the most?
Ensure there’s not a specific value that’s being rewarded more than others
By Employee
Are recognitions being given by managers or employees?
Initially you want most being given by managers - they should be the most active at the start
Over time, you want more peer-to-peer recognition from employees, but managers set the scene
% of employees giving and receiving recognition
Always more receiving than giving, due to team awards
Target is 20%+ giving for online, 12.5%+ giving for offline
Target is 40%+ receiving for online, 25%+ for offline
Average Frequency
- Number of hours for a recognition to occur
- This varies depending on company size, the lower the better
- This can be a good stat to communicate to the business, especially if the driver for recognition was low scores on employee surveys around recognition
Total Per User
On average, how many recognitions are received by an employee each month
Anything over 1 is great, minimum is 0.5
Cross Functional
% of recognition that was generated from a different department, versus within a department
What’s good depends on what you want to drive - If you are looking for recognition to break down internal barriers, the more cross functional the better
How many recognitions received financial rewards, versus just recognition
What's good very much depends on budgets and who can give out reward
If all employees have budgets, this tends to lean to 70/80% of recognitions getting rewarded
You still want to see non-financial recognitions given as it demonstrates employees aren’t limiting their recognition activity to their budget
If budgets are with leaders/managers, this stat goes down to 10-20%
Ultimately, the more important thing is to ensure recognition activity is high - If it isn’t, reward is used to push activity
How many Perks are issued each month
Want consistent use of Perks