If you currently use Sage HR to manage HR data, you can fully automate the management of your recognition program data using Merge synchronization (recommended).
Merge synchronization eliminates the need to maintain employee data in multiple places. Any changes to Sage HR data (employee adds, removes, edits, etc) automatically update in the recognition program within 24 hours.
Good to know
- Data is automatically synced every 24 hours
- Data errors reported by the Merge process are clearly noted for you to resolve in the Sage HR system that you're already using
- All data fields listed in the table below are mandatory
- Each employee must have access to their email inbox
- Inactivated/Terminated employee accounts will automatically be deleted from the recognition platform
- You will need Full Admin access in Sage HR to enable this automated sync
BEFORE enabling Sage HR automated Merge synchronization, please ensure you have done the following:
- Existing/live programs will first need to setup the sync process on a test platform to ensure data integrity - contact your account manager for assistance
- Existing/live programs currently using our REST API or Console App sync will need to disable that process before enabling Merge synchronization - see instructions below
- You will need Full Admin access in Sage HR to enable this automated sync
- Do a one-time export of your Sage HR employee data and confirm that all mandatory fields are complete for every employee, and that the 'reports to' hierarchy is complete without any missing/vacant managers; i.e. every employee must have an active manager, and every manager must have a manager, up to a single CEO with no manager
- From the Admin system, create your Reporting Groups and map your Departments (these need to be an exact match to the Departments stored in Sage HR)
- Check the following Required Data Fields for every employee:
The data will not sync if even one field is missing or incorrect
Sage HR Data Requirements
Required Data Fields | Notes |
Employee ID |
Sage HR field: Employee #
First Name |
Sage HR field: Name > First
Last Name |
Sage HR field: Name > Last
Email Address |
Sage HR field: Work Email
Department |
Sage HR field: Department
Job Title |
Sage HR field: Job Title
Start Date |
Sage HR field: Start Date |
Manager ID |
Sage HR field: Reports To
Country |
Sage HR field: Personal > Address > Country
Employment Type |
Sage HR field: Job Employment Status During sync setup you will choose how to treat each Job Employment Status:
Employment Status |
Sage HR field: Personal Basic Status This sync will analyze all of your employees with Personal Basic Status = Active It will not sync employees with Personal Basic Status = Inactive
Existing programs currently using REST API sync or Console APP sync only: Disable current automated HR data sync before enabling Merge synchronization
- Login to your Administrator account
- Click the Add-ons tab, select HR Data Sync
- Confirm that the blue information box states that "You upload your HR data using our REST API or Console App"
- Click the Settings & Configuration cog
- Click the 3-dot ellipsis and select Disable HR Data Sync
- Click Confirm
- Follow the steps below to enable Sage HR automated Merge synchronization
How to enable Sage HR automated Merge synchronization
Confirm that your Sage HR data is complete and any currently running automated HR data sync has been disabled before continuing
- Login to your Administrator account
- Click the Add-ons tab, select HR Data Sync
- Click Learn More
- Click Sync via Merge (Recommended)
- Click the Sage HR button
- Click Continue
- Click Continue again
- Enter your Sage HR subdomain, then click Submit
- Enter your Sage HR API Key, then click Submit
- The first part of the sync between Merge and your Sage HR instance will be initiated
This can take several hours depending on your employee numbers
- Once complete you can review and decide which Employee Types to sync (see Employment Type notes above)
Sync as Employee
Sync as Contractor
Don’t Sync
- Click Confirm
This will initiate the sync between Merge and Workstars and you should now see the HR Data Sync Dashboard showing your sync logs and status
Wait 20-30 minutes for the initial automated sync to happen, then check for any errors and resolve in Sage HR
The data will re-sync overnight, then you can re-check for errors and resolve them in Sage HR
See How check status of Merge HR data sync and troubleshoot any issues for more information
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