How to edit or end an existing service award

If your recognition program is using Service Awards, you may occasionally need to edit or end them, for example, if you want to add, remove, increase or decrease a financial reward, or switch from a financial reward to a perk reward, or remove the award altogether.

Good to know

  • You can change the message and badge for future posts at any time
  • Any changes to reward will not take effect until the next day, at the earliest


How to update a service award message or badge

  1. Login to your Administrator account
  2. Click System Settings
  3. Click Service Awards in the left nav menu, select Manage Awards
  4. Locate the Service Award you want to edit and click Manage
  5. You can update the End Date, Message, or Badge
  6. Click Edit to save your changes


How to add/change/remove a financial reward or perk from a service award

  1. Login to your Administrator account
  2. Click System Settings
  3. Click Service Awards in the left nav menu, select Manage Awards
  4. Locate the Service Award you want to edit and click Manage
  5. Click Manage Rewards


    If you do not see this, contact your account manager to enable Financial and/or Perk Rewards for Service Awards

  6. Click Add
  7. Reward Type:
    • Monetary Reward if adding or revising the reward
    • None if removing the reward
    • Perk if adding or revising a Perk with the reward
  8. Enter Start Date for the change to take effect (tomorrow earliest)
  9. Enter new Monetary Reward amount if adding or revising the reward
  10. Select Perk(s) if adding or revising a perk with the reward
  11. Repeat for additional countries (if available)
  12. Click Submit to save your changes


  • This will automatically set an end date for the previous settings for this service award
  • You can verify that the update saved correctly by clicking Manage, Manage Rewards and confirm you see one row for the previous settings and an end date, and another row for the new setting


How to end a service award

  1. Login to your Administrator account
  2. Click System Settings
  3. Click Service Awards in the left nav menu, select Manage Awards
  4. Locate the Service Award you want to end and click Manage
  5. Enter the End Date that you want the system to stop recognizing the anniversary (tomorrow earliest)
  6. Click Edit to save your changes

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