How to give ad hoc rewards

Ad Hoc Rewards can be given to an individual employee or in bulk to a list of employees.  The reward points are instantly credited to the recipient's account balance and can be used towards the redemption options you have configured (redemption cards, company reward (SWAG) catalog, or payroll transfer).

Good to know

  • Unlike recognitions, ad hoc rewards are not aligned to any of your company values
  • Bulk ad hoc rewards are not posted to the wall
  • Individual ad hoc rewards can optionally be posted to the wall and will show as coming from the CEO/MD
  • There’s no ability to control what the recipient spends it on (cards, swag, or payroll, if available)
  • Perks (if available) cannot be attached to ad hoc rewards (give a recognition from the Administrator portal instead)
  • Email notification to the recipient will state that the reward came from the company


How to give an individual ad hoc reward

  1. Login to your Administrator account
  2. Click the Add-ons tab, select Ad Hoc Rewards
  3. Click Give Reward, select One By One
    • Employee: Type last name, select when recognized
    • Value: Number of points or monetary value
    • Reason: Reason for the reward
    • Post to Wall: Check box for Yes
  4. Click Give Reward


  • There is no confirm button or un-do
  • The Reward is credited immediately, and email notification is sent to the recipient


How to give a bulk ad hoc reward


  • Before starting, contact your account manager to confirm that your company has enough financial float to cover the cost of the ad hoc reward
  • If the float account runs dry, all redemptions get suspended until it's topped up
  1. Login to your Administrator account
  2. Click the Add-ons tab, select Ad Hoc Rewards
  3. Click Give Reward, select From CSV File
  4. The CSV file must include:
      • Employee ID
      • Value
      • Reason


    ID numbers must use all lower-case text to match employee data stored in our system and budget amounts should be whole dollar amounts with no currency symbol or punctuation (ex 1000 instead of $1,000.00)

  5. Drag and drop the CSV file into the upload box or navigate to it and upload
  6. Click Submit


    If there are errors in your file format, an error log will show you what is wrong so that you can fix and retry

  7. Note the total liability, then click Confirm


    If there are errors in your data, an error log will show you what is wrong so that you can fix and retry


  • There is no un-do
  • The reward is credited immediately, and email notification is sent to the recipient(s)


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